Inner Cover, Editorial Board, From the Desk of the Editor - Vol 2 (1)

Admin JBOM


Dear Readers, Our journal enter second year! Yeay! All of the topics issued in this edition are interesting. Utomo et al. invite us to discuss influence social media marketing activities, electronic word of mouth and brand equity on product purchase intention skincare local brand. Jefriyanto et al. talk about the influence of job embeddedness on employee performance mediated by work engagement and OCB at Klaten District, Panggabean et al. deliver their research result about the influence of leadership, work environment, and motivation on employee performance at PT Modern Polaris Teknologi Jakarta; Yanuri and Subyantoro tell us about the effect of transformational leadership style on performance of civil servant teacher at SMKN 3 Wonosari Gunungkidul with work commitment as an intervening variable; then Nursiyami and Mardiana present their research result about the role of job satisfaction as a mediation variable of the influence of work stress on teacher performance SMK 1 Gedangsari, Nuraini and Pratiwi write about the influence of workload and achievement motivation on performance at Yogyakarta State SMA/SMK Finance Section Official. Trihadi and Warsiki discuss the influence of work discipline, work motivation, and work environment on the performance of implementing staff in the Pamong Praja Police Unit in Yogyakarta, while Bangun et al. write about the comparison of banking profitability before and during covid-19 at banks registered on the IDX in 2017-2022. We will publish a new edition every May and November, so make sure you take part in it. Happy reading!

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