The Role of Job Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable of the Influence of Work Stress on Teacher Performance SMK 1 Gedangsari

Nursiyami Nursiyami, Tri Mardiana


The purpose of this research, among others, is to; (1) know and analyze whether work stress affects the teacher's performance at State Vocational High School 1 Gedangsari Gunungkidul; (2) know and analyze whether job satisfaction can mediate the influence of stress on the performance of teachers of State Vocational High School 1 Gedangsari Gunungkidul. This study uses a quantitative approach with an associative descriptive research strategy. This research was conducted at Gedangsari Gunungkidul State Vocational High School 1 from January 2023 to April 2023. The population in this study were all Civil Service and Naban teachers at Gedangsari Gunungkidul State Vocational High School 1, a total of 30 respondents. This research is census research so that all members of the population are sampled. Data collection techniques using observation techniques, questionnaires, and documentation. Research instrument test includes validity test and reliability test. Data analysis technique using path analysis. Partial hypothesis testing uses the t-test while testing the intervening hypothesis uses the Sobel test. Based on the results of the data analysis obtained; (1) the calculated sig t value on the work stress variable (X) is 0.003 < sig. alpha 0.005 and a negative regression coefficient of -0.392 so that it can be concluded that work stress (X) has a direct negative effect on teacher performance (Y); (2) the Z value is 3.876 > 1.96 with a significance level of 5% so it can be concluded that job satisfaction (Z) can mediate the influence of work stress (X) on teacher performance (Y).

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