The Influence of Workload and Achievement Motivation on Performance at Yogyakarta State SMA/SMK Finance Section Official

Siti Nuraini, Krisnandini Wahyu Pratiwi


This research was conducted on employees of the finance section of State Senior High Schools/Vocational Schools throughout the City of Yogyakarta. This study aims to examine the effect of workload and achievement motivation on employee performance. The population of this study was all employees of the finance department of State Senior High Schools/Vocational High Schools in the City of Yogyakarta, totaling 40 employees of the finance section of State Senior High Schools/Vocational Schools in the City of Yogyakarta, the majority of whom were female as many as 29 people (72.50%), with an undergraduate degree of 24 people (60.00%), 15 people (37.50%) aged 31 to 40 years, and 23 people (57.50%) had a working period of 01 to 10 years. Data collection was carried out using the census method. Data was collected using a questionnaire spread via Google form which was arranged with a Likert scale and analyzed using the Multiple Linear Regression Analysis technique. The results of this study prove that workload and achievement motivation simultaneously affect employee performance. The workload does not affect the performance of employees in the finance section of State Senior High Schools/Vocational Schools throughout the City of Yogyakarta. Achievement motivation has a positive effect on the performance of employees in the finance section of State Senior High Schools/Vocational Schools throughout the City of Yogyakarta. Achievement motivation dominantly influences the performance of employees in the financial section of State Senior High Schools/Vocational Schools throughout the City of Yogyakarta

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