Influence of Work-Family Conflict and Job Stress on Performance of Educational Personnel at Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta

Bagaskoro Hanif, Ninik Probosari, AYN Warsiki


This research was conducted to measure and analyze the effect of work-family conflict and work stress on performance. This research was conducted on educational staff at Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta with 64 respondents. This research is a quantitative data research and using the data collection methods of census techniques through distributed questionnaires. This study used the variance-based SEM-PLS method using SmartPLS 4 software and SPSS software. The results of this study found that work-family conflict has a negative effect on the performance of education personnel, work stress has a negative effect on the performance of education personnel, and work-family conflict and job stress both simultaneously have a negative influence on the performance of education personnel. This research hopes to strengthen the existing theory and the results strengthen the results of previous research.

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