The Effect of Online Service Quality, Social Media, and Price on Consumer Purchase Intention of Lenka Sandal

Hamzah Rabbany, Dyah Sugandini, Heru Tri Sutiono


The research was conducted to answer the following questions: (1) What factors influence consumer buying interest in Lenka Sandal products? (2) What indicators measure service quality, social media, price and consumer buying interest? and (3) Do service quality factors, social media, price partially or simultaneously affect consumer buying interest in Lenka Sandal products The sample in this study are individuals who are active in social media and transacting in e-commerce. The research data collection was carried out by giving questionnaires to 100 respondents spread throughout Indonesia. All returned questionnaires were eligible for use in the study. The results showed that service quality, social media, and price have a positive and significant effect on consumer buying interest.

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