Maximizing Innovative Work Behavior Through Family-Friendly Work Environment: Insights Beyond Work-Life Balance

Dwina Putri Desiana, Herlina Dyah Kuswanti


This study explores the direct and indirect effects of family-friendly work environment (FFWE) on innovative work behavior (IWB), with work-life balance (WLB) as a potential mediator. Sample was 92 creative workers. This research uses Baron and Kenny's Causal-Step Method to evaluate the proposed relationships. The findings reveal that FFWE has a significant direct impact on IWB (β = 0.289, p = 0.005), emphasizing the critical role of supportive organizational policies in fostering employee innovation. FFWE also significantly influences WLB (β = 0.214, p = 0.040), demonstrating its contribution to improving employees’ work-life balance. However, the mediation analysis indicates that WLB does not significantly mediate the relationship between FFWE and IWB (β = 0.156, p = 0.131). These results suggest that FFWE drives innovative behavior more effectively through direct mechanisms rather than through improvements in work-life balance. This study highlights the importance of designing family-friendly policies that directly encourage employee innovation, especially for creative workers. Future research should explore alternative pathways or contextual factors that further explain how FFWE enhances innovative work behavior.

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