Jurnal Studi Diplomasi Dan Keamanan

Jurnal Studi Diplomasi dan Keamanan  is a scientific journal published twice a year (on january and July) by the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta. Jurnal Studi Diplomasi dan Keamanan discusses both theoretical and empirical findings, as well as current developments in International Relations. Jurnal Studi Diplomasi dan Keamanan invites authors for analysis on contemporary issues of: Diplomacy, Security, Strategic studies, Peace and conflict resolution, Foreign policy, Regional studies, International political economy.

Jurnal Studi Diplomasi dan Keamanan accepts manuscripts in Bahasa Indonesia or English of either research article. Research articles should be theory-driven analyses with relevant empirical basis.

Journal Homepage Image

Vol 16, No 2 (2024): Jurnal Studi Diplomasi dan Keamanan

Table of Contents

Hestutomo Restu Kuncoro
Rahmadini Agung Ayu Utami, Musa Maliki