Prevention Communication Approach to COVID-19 Virus at the Bantul Regency Mosque
risk of its spread. COVID-19 prevention should be studied to reduce the risk of transmission. The highest
increase occurred in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, particularly in Bantul Regency, one of the reasons
is the activity of visiting places of worship that do not comply with health protocols. The aim of the
research was to examine the preventive communication actors for the transmission of COVID-19 at the Al-
Muharram Mosque, Bantul Regency. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach.
The research found that the preventive communication actors of COVID-19 are always conveyed by the
Takmir of Al-Muharram Mosque, either directly during Friday Khutbah, Pengajian, or through socialization
via banners, posters, and social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and personal Whatsapp of the Takmir of
the Mosque to provide warnings and prevention of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The communication
content conveyed by the Takmir of the Mosque includes topics related to hadiths in facing an epidemic,
implementing health protocols, and encouraging early detection culture for each individual’s health to prevent
COVID-19 transmission. The role of the trusted Takmir supported by appropriate data sources and media
becomes an effective communication approach shown by the orderly behavior of the congregation and the
community. The contribution of this research found that religious figures have a role in handling COVID-19
through persuasive and educational messages conveyed in sermons and arranged as religious messages.
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