Mappng the Distribution of Lead and Zinc in Skarn Deposit

Epafras Meihaga, Eddy Winarno, Dahono Haryanto, Nurkhamim Nurkhamim


In Magmatic belts formed mineralization in West Java, and most of that are epithermal deposits and porphyry deposits bearing with Cu, Au, Pb or Zn. Lately, there are indication of Pb-Zn mineralization in Cihaur area, and it is a new economic discovery for Pb-Zn skarn deposit in Java Island.  Geostatistics offers the ways of describing and modeling the spatial continuities of the regionalized variables and allows to integrate the inferred continuity parameters into the regression techniques used for their spatial interpolations. The experimental variogram for ordinary kriging in the horizontal direction utilized an azimuth of 135°. The fitting results of the experimental variogram for the Pb-Zn assay indicated a spherical variogram model type. The distribution map of Pb-Zn grades indicates clear mineralization zonation classified into low grade (3% – 6%), medium grade (6% – 9%), and high grade (>9%). Keywords: Pb, Zn, Kriging, Grade

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