The Effectiveness of Social Media in Increasing Community Attitude in The Furniture and Wood Processing Industry Polytechnic
The development of internet-based social media is in line with the times. Social media, which initially functioned as a medium for making friends, interacting, has now shifted its function to become a marketing medium. Currently, social media users in Indonesia are around 202 million people (73.7% of the total population). It shows the massive potential for the use of social media in Indonesia and the vast market potential in Indonesia. This study aims to study the effect of social media's effectiveness on the public's enthusiasm to register at the Kendal Industrial Polytechnic, analyze the best types of social media that can be used in the new student recruitment process. The research stages that will be carried out include literature study, data collection, data processing using AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). The results of this study found that the highest AHP value was social media Instagram, followed by Twitter and YouTube. So it can be concluded that the most effective social media in increasing public interest in registering at the Furniture and Wood Processing Industry Polytechnic is Instagram.
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