Applying AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Selecting Marketplace based on Preferences of Generation Z

Wandhansari Sekar Jatiningrum, Sri Nastiti Andayani Sesanti Retno Utami, Wardatus Sholihah, Ashof Abdulmajid, Reinna Desstryani


The increasing ease of internet access leads to good opportunities for marketplace growth. The marketplace's popularity is gaining among many people, especially Generation Z, and makes the marketplace becomes their primary solution for online shopping. According to the massive amount of generation Z and their lives that get used to sophisticated technology, this generation can become the critical marketplace consumer in the upcoming years. This research examines the selection of generation Z’s preferences towards the marketplace using the AHP-TOPSIS approach. The selection was based on three criteria: service quality, information, and price. AHP approach was applied to calculate each criterion's weight, while TOPSIS was used to obtain the alternative ranking of marketplaces. The result shows that service quality becomes the most influential criterion for selecting marketplace platforms. The weight of each criterion is service quality of 0.425, information quality of 0.280, and price of 0.295. Shopee is chosen as the most suitable marketplace platform for Generation Z. The proposed model of this research can allow the business players to effectively select the suitable marketplace for selling their products targeted to Generation Z.


AHP-TOPSIS; generation Z; marketplace

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