Integrating Multiple Machine Learning Models to Predict Heart Failure Risk

Tuahta Hasiholan Pinem, Yan Rianto, M.


The research aims to create and evaluate machine learning models for the prognosis of heart failure based on patient medical information. Various predictive models have been created employing algorithms like logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, K-nearest neighbors, naive Bayes, support vector machines (SVMs), neural networks, and ensemble voting classifiers. The dataset utilized comprises diverse clinical characteristics from patients diagnosed with heart failure. The data underwent division into training and testing sets in an 80:20 ratio. Metrics including accuracy, Cross Validation Score, and ROC_AUC Score score were used to assess the models' performance. The findings reveal that the Voting Classifier, amalgamating the Logistic Regression and Support Vector Classifier models, demonstrated superior performance with an accuracy of 88.04%, a cross-validation score of 91.01%, and a ROC_AUC score of 88.00%. Further scrutiny suggested that blood pressure and cholesterol levels serve as substantial indicators of heart failure. This study presents a notable advancement in the utilization of machine learning models for heart failure prediction by scrutinizing diverse algorithms and pinpointing the most pertinent clinical characteristics. These outcomes hint at the potential for the development of machine learning-driven clinical tools to facilitate early detection and enhance medical interventions.


Machine Learning Models; Voting Classifier Algorithm; Feature Binning

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