Development Of Executive Information Systems Of Cirebon City Government (Case Study: Department Of Communication, Informatics And Statistics)
Purpose: Developing an executive information system to meet the information needs of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Regional Secretary and the heads of SKPD within the Cirebon City Government.
Design / method / approach: Using the drill down method for solving information on executive information systems and the GRAPPLE system development method
Result: The development of an executive information system in Cirebon city government has assisted the executive, consisting of mayors, deputy mayors and regional secretaries and middle executives consisting of skpd within the Cirebon city government. Cirebon city government executive information system consists of five sectors in the city of Cirebon, namely economy, health, population, education and government. The results of the validation testing are 100% and the average user acceptance testing results are 85.29%.
Authenticity / state of the art: Based on previous research, this study has the same characteristics but in the development of executive information systems it has differences in objects and methods of software development.
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