Andri Pranolo


To implement the governance tasks, professional, responsible, honest, and fair civil servants are needed. It can be attained through a training which is implemented based on the system of working performance and career that focuses on the system of working performance. Therefore, the appraisal of working performance is carried out to evaluate the performance of civil servants for providing guidance to the officials in the evaluation of  unit and organization performance. This study aims to make intelligent agens design, so that the working units and governmental organizations can do evaluation based on the self-evaluation of their employees’ working performance. It refers to the government regulation number 46 year 2011, that the appraisal of the civil servants’ working performance consists of Employee’s Work Goal (EWG) and Work Behavior (WB) with the percentages for each are 60% and 40%. The intelligent agens that can be formed from this case consist of 1) Agen-evaluator who provides the feed back of working performance progress, 2) Agen-work planner who contributes in providing recommendation of jobs which are apropriate with the civil servants whose working performance is still low, and 3) Agen-record-of-performance who contribute in recording the performance of Civil Servants.


Civil Servants, Intelligent Agen, Self-Evaluation, Working Performance.


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