STMIK PalComTech Customer Service Questionnaire Processing Application Design

Atin Triwahyuni, Eka Hartati, Hera Setiawan, Riska Triani


Purpose: The focus of this research is to create a Consumer Service Questionnaire Dashboard application that can perform questionnaire data processing, service satisfaction analysis and reporting the results of service improvement recommendations at STMIK PalComTech.
Design/methodology/approach: This study uses the Prototype method, where this method can interact with the user during user creation. This method consists of five stages, namely communication, planning quickly, modeling the design quickly, making prototypes, and submitting the system or software to the user or users to be tested using the black box testing method.
Findings/result: The results of this study resulted in an application for processing customer service questionnaires from STMIK PalComTech, to simplify and shorten UPT-PM staff in preparing reports on the results of the questionnaire recap, reporting and distributing the results of the questionnaire recap of the Head of UPT-PM.
Originality/value/state of the art: The system testing technique used in this study is black box testing, this testing technique focuses on the functional specifications of the software, this test is also used to find errors in the system, for example interface errors, performance errors, incorrect or missing functions.


Dashboard; Customer Service; Questionnaire

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TELEMATIKA: Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi
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