
  1. Journal Title: Eksergi 
  2. Initials: Eksergi
  3. Online ISSN: 2460-8203
  4. Print ISSN: 1410-394X
  5. Frequency: March, July, November
  6. Publisher: "Prodi Teknik Kimia UPN Veteran Yogyakarta"

Jurnal Eksergi is published by Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, p-ISSN 1410-394X e-ISSN 2460-8203. Jurnal Eksergi is published first in 1997. Jurnal Eksergi has been published online since 2014. Since 2022, Eksergi has published the articles in three issues a year.

Eksergi is indexed in Sinta, Index Copernicus, Dimensions, Researchgate, WorldCat, Google Scholar, BASE, Harvard Library, Sherpa Romeo, Researchbib, Portal Garuda DIKTI, EZB, J-Gate.
Eksergi accepts manuscript in Chemical Engineering, with topics: separation in Chemical Engineering, Energy and related to Renewable or Sustainable energy, Process and Production of Chemical Engineering, Nanomaterial particle, Chemical engineering design and process control, Carbon capture, utilization and storage, and Waste and wastewater treatment, Bioprocess related to food security, fine chemicals, and renewable energy, and Life Cycle Assessment. All articles published by Eksergi are peer-reviewed. The types of paper considered for publication are original articles in basic and applied research, case studies, and critical reviews. 

The journal applies a "publish-as-you-go" procedure to first publish a manuscript title that has been reviewed and declared acceptable in this journal. For each issue that states it, we provide a description of "ONLINE FIRST" on each issue. The issue will be published along with the galley article after it reaches its intended publication schedule. 

The deadline of submission is 3 months before the publication schedule date.  APC is free of charge if the auhtor submit the manuscript. APC may be charged if the submission is accepted for publication. For international authors with affiliation outside Indonesia, the article processing charge (APC) is free of charge.
Office: Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Engineering
UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. Jl. SWK 104. Condongcatur Sleman Yogyakarta.

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Call for Papers

Posted: 2024-11-26

Eksergi use English Language starting from 2025


Dear authors, to improve the quality of our publication, starting from now, we only accept the manuscript in English for the upcoming issue (March 2025). Please consider to submit the manuscript in English. If you submit the manuscript in Bahasa Indonesia, additional fee will be charged for language editing service.

Thank you for your cooperation


Posted: 2024-09-21
More Announcements...

Vol 22, No 1 (2025)

Table of Contents

Yona Octavia, I Dewa Gede Arsa Putrawan
Erna Lestianingrum, Lisendra Marbelia
Resti Nurmala Dewi, Fenny Crista Anastasia Panjaitan, Sumartini Sumartini, Nita Ariestiana Putri
M. Idris, Martomo Setyawan, Totok Eka Suharto
Yusmardhany Yusuf, Khalaida Fania Fatah, Sinna Chaerunnabila Gunawan, Bambang Soeswanto, Rony Pasonang Sihombing, Alfiana Adhitasari
Miftahul Khairati, Apsari Puspita Aini, Enny Nurmalasari, Agung Kurnia Yahya
Suhendri Suhendri, Evelyn Evelyn, Tjandra Setiadi, Hendro Risdianto

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