
Issue Title
Vol 21, No 1 (2024) Effect of Chitosan-TiO2 Membrane Performance for the Degradation of Batik Waste with a Photocatalytic Hybrid System Abstract  PDF
Retno Dwi Nyamiati, Daniel Timotius, Septi Sri Sri Rahmawati, Calista Carissavila, Noor Amalia
Vol 20, No 3 (2023) Pemanfaatan Nanokitosan Sebagai Coating Agent dalam Pembuatan Pupuk NPK Berbasis Control Release Fertilizer Abstract  PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Richad Ade Sastra, Totok Adiarto, Antonius Budi Prasetyo, Handoko Darmokoesoemo, Devi Indrasari Mustopa Putri
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