
  1. Journal Title: Eksergi 
  2. Initials: Eksergi
  3. Online ISSN: 2460-8203
  4. Print ISSN: 1410-394X
  5. Frequency: March, July, November
  6. Publisher: "Prodi Teknik Kimia UPN Veteran Yogyakarta"

Jurnal Eksergi is published by Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, p-ISSN 1410-394X e-ISSN 2460-8203. Jurnal Eksergi is published first in 1997. Jurnal Eksergi has been published online since 2014. Since 2022, Eksergi has published the articles in three issues a year.

Eksergi is indexed in Sinta, Index Copernicus, Dimensions, Researchgate, WorldCat, Google Scholar, BASE, Harvard Library, Sherpa Romeo, Researchbib, Portal Garuda DIKTI, EZB, J-Gate.
Eksergi accepts manuscript in Chemical Engineering, with topics: separation in Chemical Engineering, Energy and related to Renewable or Sustainable energy, Process and Production of Chemical Engineering, Nanomaterial particle, Chemical engineering design and process control, Carbon capture, utilization and storage, and Waste and wastewater treatment. All articles published by Eksergi are peer-reviewed. The types of paper considered for publication are original articles in basic and applied research, case studies, and critical reviews. 

The journal applies a "publish-as-you-go" procedure to first publish a manuscript title that has been reviewed and declared acceptable in this journal. For each issue that states it, we provide a description of "ONLINE FIRST" on each issue. The issue will be published along with the galley article after it reaches its intended publication schedule.

Office: Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Engineering
UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. Jl. SWK 104. Condongcatur Sleman Yogyakarta.

Journal Homepage Image

Indexed by:






Dear readers, authors, reviewers all colleagues,

We are delighted to inform you that EKSERGI has been indexed by Sinta with Sinta 3. This decision was announced in 12 March 2023 based on "Pemberitahuan Hasil Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode IV Tahun 2022" with letter number 0187/E5.3/HM.01.00/2023. Eksergi will be indexed in Sinta 3 from vol 19 no 3 until vol 24 no.2 2027. 

Posted: 2023-04-10

Eksergi Using Turnitin as Plagiarism Checker


Dear colleagues, as per 2021, Eksergi Journal uses Turnitin as plagiarism checker to screen all submitted papers with similarity index not more than 20%

Posted: 2021-02-15 More...
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Vol 21, No 2 (2024)

Table of Contents

Elvianto Dwi Daryono, Gading F Hutasoit
Nadya Augustina, Rintis Manfaati, Alfiani Rizky, Yusmardhany Yusuf, Alfiana Adhitasari
Vicenzo Frendyatha Adiprasetya, Muhamad Akrom, Gustina Alfa Trisnapradika
Annisa Vada Febriani, Farrah Fadhillah Hanum, Jaka Kuncara, Martomo Setyawan
Marcelinus Christwardana, Sri Widodo Agung Suedy, Udi Harmoko
Herry Purnama, Nabilah Miftachul Jannah, Nur Hidayati
Ariany Zulkania, Aliya Nurhasanah, Dwita Cahaya Pratiwi
Devi Indrasari Mustopa Putri, Handoko Darmokoesomo, Ganden Supriyanto, Navillah Zahro Female, Bernadeta Ayu Widyaningrum