Journal of Petroleum and Geothermal Technology

Journal of Petroleum and Geothermal Technology is a peer-reviewed open access journal published by Department of Petroleum Engineering Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta. It is a journal on petroleum and geothermal technology that covers petroleum geology; petroleum geophysics; petroleum engineering; petroleum mechanics; geothermal engineering and other petroleum and geothermal related topics.

The purpose of Journal of Petroleum and Geothermal Technology is as scientific community for academia, scientists, engineers, and experts in education institution and industries to publish their research.

Journal of Petroleum and Geothermal Technology is published twice a year in two terms: May and November. Authors who want to submit their manuscript to the editorial office of Journal of Petroleum and Geothermal Technology should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will be rejected by the editors before further reviewed. The editors will only accept the manuscripts which meet the assigned format.

ISSN: 2723-0988, e-ISSN: 2723-1496

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Vol 5, No 2 (2024): November

Table of Contents


Aris Widodo, Suranto Suranto, Boni Swadesi, Dyah Rini Ratnaningsih, Dedy Kristanto, Syahrir Ridha
Kumala Galuh Haiva, Aqlyna Fattahanisa, Puri Wijayanti
Eko Widi Pramudiohadi, Adinda Putri Sholichah
Fauji Islami Phasya, Nanda Najih Habibil Afif, Riska Laksmita Sari, Hadziqul Abror
Annisa Nur Syifa Wardhana, Steven Chandra, Brian Tony
Mohd. Wirawan Putra Pamungkas
Brian Tony, Fanata Yudha Nugraha, Muhamad Firdaus Al Hakim, I Putu Raditya Ambara Putra, Steven Chandra
Fanata Yudha Nugraha, Dewi Asmorowati, Ega Dimas Saputra, Dian Indri Astuti, Brian Tony, I Putu Gema Bujangga Waisnawa